Well Hey there, I’m Amara
digital content creator, entrepreneur and Jesus lovin mama of 2.
I create tools and resources to help you create a life you love. A life of grace over grind, where progress beats perfection any day.
I’m very into:
- Implementing tiny habits that make life a whole lot easier
- Adopting systems to streamline and simplify just about everything
- Finding joy in everyday moments
Retired Overthinker, Recovering Workaholic
I believe that you don’t have to ‘do it all’ or ‘have it all’ to be successful.
In the summer of 2021, I was doing ‘all the things’. Juggling a demanding career as a pharmacist (plus 3 hours spent commuting each day), with my duties as a wife & mom, daughter, sister, friend… I could probably go on. When everyone else was asleep, I worked on my side hustle- freelance writing & content creation.
I unwittingly bought into ‘hustle culture’ and was struggling to balance all the aspects of my life.
On the outside, I appeared to be doing it all, but on the inside, I felt like I was failing at everything.
If this sounds familiar, there’s a lesson here…
Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should do it.
I quickly realized that I needed to take something off my plate and re-evaluate how I wanted my life to look. The most obvious thing for me get rid of at that time was content creation.

I took a break.
The next year and a half were spent focused on my life offline. I enjoyed being fully present in my home life. We welcomed our second son and quite honestly, thriving in our life offline.
It wasn’t enough though because I had big dreams and I wanted to do more. Content creation had always been a creative escape for me. My right brain yearned for it, but I feared the thought of returning to a state of overwhelm.

i knew that there had to be a better way
Planning and organization have always been my thing. So I read every book I could find. I was determined to create a system that would allow me to find time to pursue my creative aspirations and fulfill my purpose of empowering women while being a present mom and wife.
I quickly learned perhaps the most important lesson of my adult life- you don’t have to do it all to be productive. In fact, doing less is the secret to accomplishing more.
I want to share with you how.
- I believe that being a mom shouldn’t stop you from living your best life.
- Exhaustion and burnout don’t have to be part of the norm
- You should go to sleep dreaming of rainbows and unicorns and not about the 100 things on your to-do list that didn’t get done.
Whether you have aspirations of starting a business or just being present in your day-to-day life, I’m here to provide the tools and resources to help you hop off the hustle bus and create a life you love.
Get to know a little more About Me
Are we friends now?
If you’ve read this far, Thank you.
I’m so glad our paths crossed and I’m pretty optimistic that this is the start of a wonderful relationship.
The best way to stay connected is by signing up for my mailing list. I send bi-weekly value-packed emails on self-care, productivity, and other mom-related hacks.
You can also catch me on Instagram where I share funny-ish reels and all-round inspiring content on an almost daily basis.
Bye for now