Do you want a tidy home but feel like you don’t have enough time to get everything done?

Managing a home and work life is a lot and its easy to get overwhelmed- especially as a working moms.

A well though out cleaning schedule is an important tool to have in your arsenal as a working mom.

A realistic cleaning schedule will help you to maintain your home without leaving you feeling stressed and overwhelmed.

With some smart strategies and a bit of planning, you can create a cleaning schedule that fits into your busy life.

So how do you maintain a tidy home without spending every precious moment you have on your hands and knees scrubbing?

This post will guide you to create a realistic cleaning routine that works for you and your family.

Why create a Cleaning Routine For Working moms?

You probably don’t need much convincing, but a cleaning schedule is really important if you would like to keep your home tidy on a consistent basis.

I should mention that having kids (especially young kids) automatically means that your home won’t be in tip top shape 100% of the time. As you know, you can be clean as much as you like, but your child only needs one second to wreck havoc in the space that you just cleaned.

That is why the emphasis is not only on creating a realistic schedule, but also maintaining your home in a way that you’re happy with.

The Benefits of Having a Cleaning Schedule

  1. Efficiency: A cleaning schedule allows you to plan and allocate specific time slots for different cleaning tasks. By breaking down your cleaning duties into manageable chunks, you can optimize your time and energy, ensuring that you complete each task effectively and efficiently.
  2. Consistency: Consistency is key when it comes to maintaining a clean and organized home. A cleaning schedule helps you establish a routine, ensuring that you stay on top of your household chores regularly. This way, you can prevent clutter and mess from piling up, saving you from overwhelming cleaning sessions in the future.
  3. Peace of Mind: A tidy and organized living space can have a positive impact on your mental well-being. When your home is clean and clutter-free, you can experience a sense of calm and tranquility. This peace of mind can contribute to reduced stress levels and increased overall happiness.

How To Create A Realistic Cleaning Routine For Working Moms

1. Assess Your Cleaning Needs and Priorities

The first thing you’ll need is to assess your needs and priorities.

You’ll need to be realistic about the amount of work that needs to be done as well as the amount of time that you have.

While it might be nice to clean all your windows every week, it likely isn’t realistic.

So consider the following factors:

The Size And Layout Of Your Home

Consider the size and layout of your house or apartment, as this will determine the amount of cleaning that needs to be done.

Larger homes will need more time and effort to keep clean, while smaller spaces may be easier to maintain.

Take note of the number of rooms, bathrooms, and living areas in your home.

Each space will have its own cleaning requirements, so it’s essential to take these factors into account when planning your schedule.

Identify the cleaning tasks that need to be done regularly

Once you have evaluated the size and layout of your home, it’s time to identify the key cleaning tasks that need to be done on a regular basis.

These tasks will vary depending on your living situation, but some common examples include dusting, vacuuming, mopping floors, cleaning bathrooms, and doing laundry.

Make a list of all the cleaning tasks that are necessary to maintain a clean and comfortable living environment.

This will help you stay organized and ensure that no important tasks are overlooked.

Remember, the goal is not perfection. You want to focus on creating a schedule that will be realistic.

Determine how long you want to spend cleaning each day

As a working mom, your time is limited, and it’s important to prioritize your cleaning tasks accordingly.

Consider your daily schedule and determine how much time you can realistically devote to cleaning each day or week.

Do you want to clean for 15-20 minutes every day or would you rather clean for 3 hours on a Saturday when you have the time.

There are no right or wrong answers here.

You just need to honest with yourself about the amount of time you can realistically commit to cleaning, while taking into account your other responsibilities and commitments.

Prioritize Cleaning Tasks

Once you have a clear understanding of your time constraints, you can determine your cleaning priorities.

Ask yourself:

  • What cleaning tasks are most important to my family’s well-being?
  • What tasks can I do less often (monthly, quarterly or yearly)?
  • Are there any tasks that can be delegated or outsourced?

By considering these factors you can identifying your cleaning priorities and focus your time and energy on the tasks that matter most.

2. Break Down Tasks into Manageable Chunks

Cleaning your entire house in one go can be daunting.

It often helps to break your tasks down into smaller more manageable chunks. So instead of saying clean the house, you can list out the different tasks involved in cleaning each room of the house.

Categorize them based on the areas of your home, such as kitchen, bathroom, living room, bedrooms, and so on.

Breaking down big tasks into manageable chunks is key to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

You are also more likely to stay on track and maintain a clean home consistently when you make the tasks seem more manageable and ‘bite sized’.

3. Allocate Specific Days and Times To Different Tasks

Once you have broken down your tasks, it’s time to allocate specific days and times for each cleaning activity.

Consider your weekly schedule and identify the days when you have more time or when certain tasks make the most sense.

For instance, if you prefer a thorough cleaning on weekends, you can dedicate Saturdays to more time-consuming tasks like deep cleaning or decluttering.

You can also set aside specific time slots for cleaning during each designated day.

Do you prefer to clean in the morning or in the evening? What makes more sense for your schedule?

The truth is- there are so many things that will try to distract you, but having a set schedule for each cleaning task can really help you to for staying organized.

Weekly Cleaning Schedule Idea:

  • Monday: Clean bathrooms
  • Tuesday: Clean bedrooms
  • Wednesday: Clean kitchen, fridge, microwave
  • Thursday: Dust and clean remaining living spaces (living room, dining)
  • Friday: wash bedding, towels
  • Saturday: Clean floors, entryway and do remaining laundry

While the weekly tasks are important, you also need to consider some daily tasks that need to be done to keep your home dunning smoothly.

Some examples of these are:

  • Loading & unloading the dishwasher
  • Picking up toys at the end of each day
  • Wipe down table and kitchen counter tops after dinner
  • Sweep or vacuum the floors of the main living areas

This may look different in your household.

By sticking to a simple schedule, you can establish a routine and ensure that no area of your home is neglected.

4. Incorporate Cleaning Tasks into Your Daily and Weekly Routines

When you have your cleaning schedule, you can make the process more efficient by incorporating cleaning tasks into your daily and weekly routines.

Look for opportunities to tackle small cleaning tasks while going about your regular activities. For instance, wipe down bathroom surfaces after your morning shower or quickly vacuum high-traffic areas before leaving for work. You can also load the dishwasher right after cooking and after each meal so that the plates don’t pile up.

Find what works for you and incorporate cleaning where you can.

Routines and habits are great because the more you do it, the more it gets engrained in your brain. Before long it becomes a reflex that you don’t have to use mental load to think about.

When you do this, you minimize the time and effort required for maintaining a clean home.

4. Delegate & ask for Help when necessary

You don’t have to feel like it’s your job to clean the entire house by yourself.

When you’re a busy working mom, one of the best things that you can learn is how to delegate.

Once you have your cleaning schedule, you’ll know if its something you can handle on your own.

If you cannot, you can share the workload with your partner, children, other family members or if your budget allows, hired help.

Assign Age-Appropriate Chores to Children

Assigning age-appropriate chores to your children is a great way to teach them responsibility and lighten your cleaning load as a working mom.

By involving them in household tasks, you not only foster their independence but also instil a sense of ownership and teamwork within the family.

Start by considering your child’s age and capabilities. Younger children can handle simple tasks like putting away toys, making their bed, or folding laundry.

As they grow older, you can gradually assign more complex chores such as vacuuming, dusting, or even helping with meal preparation.

Remember to communicate your expectations clearly and provide proper guidance. Make the chore fun by turning it into a game or offering incentives. This way, your children will be more motivated and engaged, making the cleaning process a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.

Hire Professional Cleaning Services for Deeper Cleaning Tasks

While involving your children can be helpful for daily maintenance, there are certain cleaning tasks that require a professional touch.

Hiring a professional cleaning service for deeper cleaning tasks can save you time and ensure a thorough clean, especially when it comes to tasks like carpet cleaning, window washing, or deep cleaning the kitchen and bathrooms.

Outsourcing these more time-consuming tasks, you can focus on other priorities while still maintaining a clean and organized home.

Get Support from Your Partner or Other Family Members

As a working mom, it’s essential to lean on your partner and other family members for support. Establishing a division of household responsibilities can alleviate some of the cleaning burdens and create a more balanced home environment.

Talk openly and honestly with your partner about your cleaning needs and expectations. Together, create a plan that distributes tasks fairly, taking into account each person’s strengths and availability. This collaborative approach ensures that everyone contributes to maintaining a clean and comfortable living space.

Don’t hesitate to ask for help from other family members as well. Grandparents, siblings, or close relatives can lend a hand, particularly during busy periods or when you need a break.

Remember, seeking support is not a sign of weakness but rather a smart and practical approach to managing your responsibilities effectively.

5. Streamline Your Cleaning Process

Efficiency is key when it comes to maintaining a clean and organized home while juggling the responsibilities of being a working mom.

By streamlining your cleaning process, you can make the most of your limited time and energy.

Implement Time-Saving Strategies, Such as Multitasking

Multitasking often gets a bad rep in the time management and productivity world.

But as a busy working mom, you can multitask effectively by combining tasks in a way that makes sense. For example, while waiting for the laundry cycle to finish, you can clean the bathroom or wipe down kitchen surfaces. By combining tasks, you can accomplish more in less time.

Using Efficient Cleaning Techniques and Products

When it comes to cleaning, utilizing efficient techniques and products can significantly reduce the time and effort required. Start by prioritizing tasks based on importance and frequency. Focus on the areas that require immediate attention, such as kitchen countertops or bathroom fixtures. By tackling these high-traffic areas first, you can quickly make a noticeable difference.

Additionally, consider using time-saving cleaning tools and products. For example, microfiber cloths are effective in capturing dust and dirt, requiring less effort and producing better results compared to traditional cleaning rags. Similarly, invest in a quality vacuum cleaner that can efficiently clean both carpets and hard floors, saving you time and energy.

A robot is another great investment as it will clean the floors for you.

Organize Cleaning Supplies for Easy Access

We save so much time when we don’t have to spend precious time looking for supplies.

Have your cleaning supplies organized and easily accessible. Create a designated cleaning caddy or tote where you can store all your essential cleaning products in one place. This way, you can quickly grab what you need and move from one task to another without wasting time searching for supplies.

Consider using dividers or small baskets within your cleaning caddy to keep different types of cleaning products neatly separated. This organization system will not only save you time but also prevent the frustration of having to rummage through a cluttered collection of supplies.

Tims Saving Cleaning Supplies

  • Cordless Vacum
  • Spin Mop
  • Cleaning Caddy

Streamlining your cleaning process is all about finding what works best for you and your unique circumstances.

6. Adjust and Adapt Your Cleaning Schedule

When you have your cleaning schedule, it’s important to remain flexible.

Life is unpredictable, and sometimes our schedules need to be adjusted and adapted to meet new demands.

Take the time to reevaluate your cleaning schedule regularly. Assess whether it’s still working for you and if any changes need to be made.

One way to approach this is by reflecting on your current routine and identifying areas that may need improvement. Are there certain tasks that consistently get left undone? Are there days or times when it is more difficult to find the energy or motivation to clean?

Once you have identified areas that need adjustment, modify your cleaning schedule accordingly. Be realistic about what you can accomplish within the time you have available. It’s better to have a slightly less ambitious schedule that you can consistently follow, rather than setting yourself up for failure with an overwhelming list of tasks.

7. Make Allowances for Busy Periods or Unexpected Events

In addition to being flexible, it’s important that you make a plan in your cleaning schedule for when life throws unexpected curveballs.

Whether it’s a particularly hectic week at work, a family emergency, or a last-minute social commitment, there will be times when cleaning takes a backseat to other priorities.

During these busy periods, be gentle with yourself and understand that it’s okay to deviate from your regular cleaning routine.

Give yourself permission to focus on what truly matters in that moment, and don’t beat yourself up for not being able to stick to your schedule.

When things calm down, make a plan to catch up on any missed cleaning tasks. Consider setting aside dedicated time to tackle those tasks, or distribute them over a few days to avoid overwhelming yourself.

Remember, the goal is to maintain a clean and organized home, not to create and stick to a rigid schedule at all costs.

A sample realistic cleaning routine for working moms

My Sample Cleaning Schedule For Working Moms

In this section, i’ll share with you in detail the cleaning schedule that I use to keep my home organized.

Remember- what works for me won’t work for everyone, so it’s important to be flexible and adapt the schedule to suit your needs.

I have 2 small kids who are unable to help with chores at this time and I have a full time job (outside the home), so I spend some time every morning and every evening doing my daily cleaning tasks. I also find time to do my weekly cleaning tasks as outlined below. I usually do this in the evening once the kids go to bed.

Every morning (before work):

  • Make the bed- 5 mins
  • Unload dishwasher- 5 mins
  • Clean up the table and load dishwasher after breakfast- 10 mins

Total Time= 20 mins

In the evening (after work):

  • Clean up the table & kitchen from dinner- 10 mins
  • Put away kids toys (I try to get my older son to help with this)- 5 mins
  • Load dishwasher, wash dishes- 10 mins
  • Sweep/ vacum kitchen, living room and dining room floors- 5 mins

Total Time= 30 mins

Before Bedtime

I spend 15-20 minutes on a designated task every day (e.g. clean bathrooms, bedrooms, fridge, entryway).

It’s not a lot of time, but when I put my mind to it, I’m able to do a good enough job that leaves the house looking neat and tidy.


A realistic working mom cleaning schedule is essential for maintaining a clean and organized home while juggling professional and personal responsibilities.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can develop a cleaning routine that fits your busy schedule and ensures a tidy living space.

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A realistic cleaning routine for working moms

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